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来源:本站    日期:2020-06-10    点击次数:

在重庆市卫生健康委党委和市公卫中心党委的领导和培养下,本人有幸入选第四批医学高端人才培养计划,于2019年6月27日顺利抵达加拿大蒙特利尔,开始为期一年的国外学习培训,培训机构为McGill University Health Centre,时间已过了十一个月,由于新冠疫情的影响,工作模式有些变化,自3月14起则在家办公,现将学习生活作如下总结。








1.Jing Ouyang, John Lin, Stéphane Isnard, Brandon Fombuena, Xiaorong Peng, André Marette, Bertrand Routy, Meriem Messaoudene, Yaokai Chen, Jean-Pierre Routy. The Bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila: A Sentinel for Gut Permeability and Its Relevance to HIV-Related Inflflammation. Frontiers in Immunology. 2020,11:645(IF:4.716)

2. Hongmei Wang, Gaoqiong Yao, Xi Chen,Jing Ouyang (共同通讯) , Jiadan Yang.Ipragliflozin as an add-on therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: An evidence-based pharmacoeconomics evaluation. Diabetes Res Clin Pract,2019(157):107867. (IF:3.239)

3.Jing Ouyang, Stéphane Isnard, John Lin, Brandon Fombuena, André Marette, Bertrand Routy, Yaokai Chen, Jean-Pierre Routy. Metformin effect on gut microbiota: insights for HIV-related inflammation. AIDS research and therapy, 2020,17(1):10.(IF:2.24)

4. Jing Ouyang, Stéphane Isnard, John Lin, Brandon Fombuena, Debashree Chatterjee, Tomas Raul Wiche Salinas, Delphine Planas, Amelie Cattin, Augustine Fert, Etiene Moreira Gabriel, Laurence Raymond Marchand, Yonglong Zhang, Malcolm Finkelman, Yaokai Chen, Daniel E. Kaufmann, Nicolas Cermakian, Petronela Ancuta, Jean-Pierre Routy. Daily variations of gut microbial translocation markers in ART-treated HIV-infected people. AIDS research and therapy, 2020,17(1):15.(IF:2.24)

5. Rayoun Ramendra, Stéphane Isnard, John Lin, Brandon Fombuena,Jing Ouyang, Vikram Mehraj, Yonglong Zhang, Malcolm Finkelman, Cecilia Costiniuk, Bertrand Lebouché, Carl Chartrand-Lefebvre, Madeleine Durand, Cécile Tremblay, Petronela Ancuta, Guy Boivin, Jean-Pierre Routy. CMV seropositivity is associated with increased microbial translocation in people living with HIV and uninfected controls. Clinical Infectious Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciz1001 (IF:9.055) 

6.John Lin,Jing Ouyang (共同第一),Xiaorong Peng, Stéphane Isnard, Brandon Fombuena, Jean-Pierre Routy, Yaokai Chen. Potential therapeutic options for coronavirus disease 2019: using knowledge of past outbreaks to guide future treatment.Chin Med J (Engl). 2020. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000000816. [Epub ahead of print] (IF:1.555)

7.Jing Ouyang, Wei Feng, Xiaodan Lai, Yaling Chen, Xue Zhang, Li Rong, Fengjun Sun, Yaokai Chen. Quercetin inhibits biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa via the lasIR system. Microbial Pathogenesis. (Accept, IF:2.581)

8.Jing Ouyang, Stéphane Isnard, John Lin, Brandon Fombuena, Xiaorong Peng, Seema Nair Parvathy, Yaokai Chen, Michael Silverman, Jean-Pierre Routy. Treating from the Inside Out: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation to Counteract Gut Damage in GVHD and HIV Infection. Frontiers in Medicine. (Submitted, IF:3.113)


1. 参加American Society of Hemology2020年5月15举办的The Convalescent Plasma Webinar视频学术会议,学习康复期血浆治疗COVID-19的研究进展和临床实践操作方面的知识。

2.加拿大药学教育和研究会议(Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference)拟定于2020年5月24日在蒙特利尔举办,以第一作者投稿两篇,其中一篇被选作壁报交流。由于疫情的影响,该会议改为线上视频会议。


5月份国内的疫情控制良好,让海外求学的我们放心。但加拿大的疫情不容乐观,蒙特利尔20000 余病例,是加拿大最严重的城市,生活上注重卫生防护,避免感染。
